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Brian Watkins

Book Review: Four Thousand Weeks

I openly admit I am a productivity program junkie. But even I was hesitant about this book when reading the reviews.

I was mistaken. This is a book everyone should read.

Full disclosure - nothing in this book will help you get more done or be able to do more in less time. In fact, I would argue that this book is the anti-productivity book. More accurately, it is a philosophy book.

It raises questions about time and our relationship with it. It talks about how trying to be productive in many cases makes us less productive. For example, when you work to get your email to inbox zero, you find that you just get more emails and have an even harder time keeping up.

One warning - the book isn't exactly uplifting. There are some serious discussions about time and our place in the world. There were a few times when I was like "why do anything", but honestly believe that wasn't the point.

I can't guarantee that you will have any epiphanies reading this book - but it wouldn't surprise me if you did.

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